What is music? Music is a universal language that is understood and felt by all people, without discrimination of a specific gender or group in different environments, languages and roots.…
What distinguishes music from the rest of the arts and other sciences is that it has been known as a mathematical science that construct the rules of melodies. It is…
Human Voice Resonance Resonance Resonance is the interference and propagation of the frequency of sound waves within the sound system, where the process of processing the sound vibrations through several…
Human Voice Singing and Breathing Respiration The idea of breathing while singing is not different from it during normal or natural speech, but singing requires more effort to fulfill some…
The human voice (definition, training, guidance) The human voice is an important means of expression used by man, in addition to other means such as the face, eyes, hands, feet,…
Sound (its occurrence and causes): Acoustics is a science that studies acoustic phenomena and their laws, and this science is considered one of the sections of wisdom, and its usefulness…
Culture, its components and characteristics: Culture is the summary of man’s interaction with his environment. It is an overlapping and intertwined fabric of knowledge, customs, traditions, rituals, social and religious…
Solfege is musical reading, and it is one of the most important elements of the musical education process, concerned with educating the beginner the foundations and rules of reading and…
The most beautiful thing we can feel is the feeling of the mysterious side of life represented by that deep and mortal feeling in the cradle of art and true…
Music, psychological and behavioral balance It is a given to me – and if some disagree with me – that teaching music creates balance for the individual. And increase his…